SEO – Inconsistent URL Structures
Throughout our posts, we have emphasized that the content on websites must be great content, interesting to readers, answers their questions, and generally solves their problems. After all, they have initiated a search to find the answer to some questions that they have and they do not want to be bothered by poor content and content that does not address their needs. This is the objective that the search engines have set for themselves. They want to meet the customer’s demands and present the best possible results to their customers each and every time. Search engines employ search and indexing algorithms that are complex, to say the least. They are kept very top-secret for the most part by Google, Bing, and Yahoo as well as others. Inconsistent URL Structures can make it difficult for search engines to do their jobs.
Webmasters are tasked with keeping their content up-to-date and meaningful for their customers. They also try to make sure that they place well on the search results. After all, if you cannot be found then no one is going to read your web page, blog, etc.
Inconsistent URL Structures
One attribute that we believe the search engines value is consistent URL structures. In other words, they see the same URLs each time they visit and index a site. They also see new content being added. Many webmasters will look at old content that is no longer relevant for whatever reason. They may simply delete that page. This action can be interpreted as Inconsistent URL Structures and cause the search engines to rank a site lower in search results.
Instead, webmasters would be better off updating the content of the page. They should make it more relevant to today’s issues and needs of the consumer etc and retain these older URLs. It spells longevity, commitment to content, and commitment to ensuring that a website’s information remains relevant.
This is part of the SEO activity that many webmasters need to address. We will be discussing further issues like this one in upcoming posts.
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